This post describes a method of account management event log auditing to extract relevant events from a domain for auditing and analysis. It's a simple batch file running on a server to export daily logs and collate them based on month. This should allow: Disadvantages: Possible Improvements This is the CSV file used to define the group, the event ID and a description of the event, used by the batch file to determine which events to dump:
Note that this is not a replacement for - or even an attempt at - a security event log management tool, it's really just a quick method of gathering events occurring in a Windows Active Directory domain.
Installation and use
Any number of events can be monitored, however the dumpel.exe utility used to extract the events has a limit of 10 IDs per extraction. Interesting events have been grouped in categories based on the object being targeted, which allows:
To ensure this is a low-maintenance solution the task:
Permanent Logging
To provide logs collated by month, the following command is executed as part of the batch file. Adjust the %MonthlyLogDir% to whatever directory you choose.
For /f %%p in (%UniqueGroups%) do for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('echo %date%') do if exist %LogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i??.txt copy %LogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i??.txt %MonthlyLogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i.txt /y 1>nul
The batch file runs from one DC in the domain, querying all other DCs. This was completed by modifying the Domain Controllers Group Policy to allow the 'Domain Controllers' security group to have the 'Manage Auditing and Security Log' right, allowing any DC to look at the security log of any other DC.
Advantages of this approach:
Computer,645,A computer account was created.
Computer,647,A computer account was deleted.
Policy,643,A domain policy was modified.
Account,624,A user account was created.
Account,630,A user account was deleted.
Account,685,Name of an account was changed.
Account,684,Set the security descriptor of members of administrative groups, Every 60 minutes on a domain controller a background thread searches all members of administrative groups (such as domain, enterprise, and schema administrators) and applies a fixed security descriptor on them. This event is logged.
AccountPwd,627,A user password was changed.
AccountPwd,628,A user password was set.
AccountPwd,644,A user account was auto locked.
Group,631,A global group was created.
Group,634,A global group was deleted.
Group,635,A new local group was created.
Group,668,A group type was changed.
Group,639,A local group account was changed.
Group,638,A local group was deleted.
Group,649,A local security group with security disabled was changed.
Group,648,A local security group with security disabled was created, SECURITY_DISABLED in the formal name means that this group cannot be used to grant permissions in access checks.
GroupMembership,632,A member was added to a global group.
GroupMembership,636,A member was added to a local group.
GroupMembership,633,A member was removed from a global group.
GroupMembership,637,A member was removed from a local group.
SecDisGroupMem,656,A member was removed from a security-disabled global group.
SecDisGroupMem,651,A member was removed from a security-disabled local security group.
SecDisGroupMem,666,A member was removed from a security-disabled universal group.
SecDisGroupMem,661,A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group.
SecDisGroupMem,655,A member was added to a security-disabled global group.
SecDisGroupMem,650,A member was added to a security-disabled local security group.
SecDisGroupMem,665,A member was added to a security-disabled universal group.
SecDisGroupMem,660,A member was added to a security-enabled universal group.
SecDisGroup,654,A security-disabled global group was changed.
SecDisGroup,653,A security-disabled global group was created.
SecDisGroup,657,A security-disabled global group was deleted.
SecDisGroup,652,A security-disabled local group was deleted.
SecDisUniGroup,664,A security-disabled universal group was changed.
SecDisUniGroup,663,A security-disabled universal group was created.
SecDisUniGroup,667,A security-disabled universal group was deleted.
SecDisUniGroup,659,A security-enabled universal group was changed.
SecDisUniGroup,658,A security-enabled universal group was created.
SecDisUniGroup,662,A security-enabled universal group was deleted.
@echo off
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%i in ('date /t') do @for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%m in ('echo %%j') do @set LOGDATE=%%o%%n%%m
Set Log=%temp%\%~n0_%logdate%.log
Set LogDir=c:\Logs\Daily
Set MonthlyLogDir=c:\Logs\Monthly
Set Events=AccountManagementEvents.txt
Set UniqueGroups=%Temp%\AccManUnique.txt
Set DCList=%Temp%\DCList.txt
Set NoOfDays=1
Echo Started %Date% %Time%
Echo Started %Date% %Time% > %log%
If Not Exist %Events% (
Echo Error: %Events% could not be found
Echo Error: %Events% could not be found > %log%
Goto End
If Exist %UniqueGroups% Del %UniqueGroups%
If Exist %DCList% Del %DCList%
:: Find the domain controllers for the local domain
dsquery.exe server -o rdn > %DCList%
:: Find the unique groups from the events we are going to process
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=," %%i in (%Events%) do @Find /i "%%i" %UniqueGroups% 1>nul 2>nul & If errorlevel 1 echo %%i >> %UniqueGroups%
:: For each group of events, call the sub
For /f %%i in (%UniqueGroups%) do Call :ProcessEventGroup %%i
Echo Collating monthly logs
For /f %%p in (%UniqueGroups%) do for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('echo %date%') do if exist %LogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i??.txt copy %LogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i??.txt %MonthlyLogDir%\AcctMgmt_%%p_%%j%%i.txt /y 1>nul
Echo Finished %Date% %Time%
Echo Finished %Date% %Time% > %log%
Goto End
Set EventList=
:: For Each event in the event file, add the ID if it belongs to this group (calling a sub because for /f doesn't work with repeated inline references to variables
For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=," %%m in (%Events%) do if /i _%1==_%%m Call :AddEvent %%n
Set OutputFile=%logdir%\AcctMgmt_%1_%LogDate%.txt
Echo Dumping %1 events IDs: %EventList% to %OutputFile%
:: For each DC in the domain, dump the events
For /f %%p in (%DCList%) do Echo Processing %%p & dumpel.exe -d %NoOfDays% -e %EventList% -l Security -m Security -s %%p -c >> %OutputFile%
Goto End
:: Concatenate the latest ID
Set EventList=%EventList% %1
Goto End
Information on the 'Manage Auditing and Security Log' Right:
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Information regarding Windows Infrastructure, centred mostly around commandline automation and other useful bits of information.
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