This post provides a powershell script to create a secedit security template based on an existing NTFS filesystem permissions structure. This script uses the PowerShell get-childitem cmdlet combined with the get-acl cmdlet to provide the SDDL string, which is then processed to print out only explicit ACLs, after stripping out inherited ACE's in a very cheap and nasty regular expression matching way.
Using this script provides a basic DACL per-directory secedit template type view of a filesystem, excellent to move away from directly applying ACLs to the filesystem or just to provide point-in-time views of your NTFS security.
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# -- CreateSecurityTemplate.ps1 -- #
# 06/09/2008, Wayne Martin, Initial version
# Description:
# Given a starting directory, recursively list explicit ACLs in SDDL format for reproduction in a secedit security template
# Assumptions, this script works on the assumption that:
# Only discretionary access control entries are used
# Limitations:
# 260 max_path length limitation is in place with get-childitem
# Arguments:
# -p : Path - The root folder to begin the search
# Example:
# . .\CreateSecurityTemplate.ps1 -p c:\windows\temp
param ($path = "")
if ($path -eq "") {
write-output "Please specify a root directory to begin the search, eg . .\CreateSecurityTemplate.ps1 -p c:\windows\temp"
exit 2
} else {
write-output "Processing $path"
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$PATTERN_SPLIT_ACL = "^\(|\)\(|\)$"
$objects = $null
$objects = get-childitem $path -Recurse | where{$_.PSIsContainer} # Find directories
foreach ($object in $objects) # For each directory
if ($object -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
$FullName = $object.FullName
$acl = get-acl -path $FullName # Get the ACL for this directory
$sddl = $acl.sddl # Get the ACL in SDDL string format
$sddl = $sddl.remove(0, $sddl.indexof("("))
# Split to each ACE, return only those that are not inherited and not an empty line
$aces = [regex]::split($sddl,$PATTERN_SPLIT_ACL) | where{ $_ -notmatch $PATTERN_NOT_INHERITED_ACE } | where{ $_ -notmatch $PATTERN_EMPTY_LINE}
if ($aces.length -gt 1) { # Are there any explicit aces on this directory?
$newSDDL = "(" + [string]::join(")(", $aces) + ")" # Yes, construct the new SDDL string
write-output ("""" + $FullName + """,$EXPLICIT_ACL_OVERWRITE,""$DALC_AUTOINHERIT_REQ" + $newsddl + """")
exit 0
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Very Helpful Article!
Template Magician
This is very helpful!
Thanks Wayne
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