This post provides information on a simple batch file to purge files based on a specified age. There are many more clever ways to achieve this - VBScript, PowerShell, cleanmgr job, but this is a very simple method that provides all the functionality with verbose logging, with next to no effort.
To use this, copy the text below to a batch file, and then schedule it to run every day/week. There are only two lines required - using Robocopy to move the files, and then another call to delete the files. It would be even easier if Robocopy supported a NUL destination, but there are advantages to moving and then deleting, for example you could move files every day, and then delete them weekly/monthly.
Note that the target below is the %temp% directory, usually on C: drive. Therefore if you are purging large quantities of data from a disk other than C:, using the system/boot disk is not really appropriate, perhaps change to a directory on the disk you are purging (which would therefore not require any extra space as the files are being moved locally).
Set FileAge=30
Set Directory=c:\Dir\To\Purge
Set PurgeDir=%Temp%\Purge_%Random%
for /f "tokens=1-8 delims=/:. " %%i in ('echo %date%') do Set DateFlat=%%l%%k%%j
Set LogFile=c:\logs\%~n0_%DateFlat%.log
Echo %Date% %Time%: Purging files from %Directory% older than %FileAge% days, logfile: %LogFile% >> %LogFile%
robocopy %Directory% "%PurgeDir%" *.* /minage:%FileAge% /v /fp /ts /mov /e /r:1 /w:1 /log+:%LogFile%
If Exist "%PurgeDir%" echo Deleting files moved with robocopy: 'rd /s /q "%PurgeDir%"' >> %LogFile%
If Exist "%PurgeDir%" rd /s /q "%PurgeDir%"
how to create your own registration of an existing handler (such as the disk cleanup handler).
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Information regarding Windows Infrastructure, centred mostly around commandline automation and other useful bits of information.
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