I needed a method of converting a text representation of a binary file (eg. the text 'AE00F00D' in a file) to the binary byte equivalent and vice versa.
Included are the PowerShell scripts I ended up writing for the task. The core parts of script are below, click 'Read More!' to see the full .PS1 scripts
Note that I have updated the original post, as the '-readcount 0' when reading the file, pre-allocating the array (thanks for the suggestion Phil) and using an assigned variable in the for loop made this much faster.
[byte[]]$bytes = Get-Content -encoding byte -readcount 0 -path $BinaryFile
for ($i = 0; $i -le $count-1; $i++)
{ $hex = "{0:x}" -f $bytes[$i]
[void]$output.Append($hex.PadLeft(2, "0")) # Pad any single digits
set-content $OutputFile -value $output.ToString()
$HexString = Get-Content -readcount 0 -path $HexStringFile
for ( $i = 0; $i -le $count-1; $i+=2 )
{ $bytes[$x] = [byte]::Parse($hexString.Substring($i,2), [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)
$x += 1 }
set-content -encoding byte $OutputFile -value $bytes
I was using this to restore and update some images stored in
[string] $HexStringfile = "",
[string] $OutputFile = ""
if ($HexstringFile -ne "") {
$HexString = Get-Content -readcount 0 -path $HexStringFile
$HexString = $HexString[0]
$count = $hexString.length
$byteCount = $count/2
$bytes = New-Object byte[] $byteCount
$byte = $null
$x = 0
for ( $i = 0; $i -le $count-1; $i+=2 )
$bytes[$x] = [byte]::Parse($hexString.Substring($i,2), [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber)
$x += 1
if ($OutputFile -ne "") {
set-content -encoding byte $OutputFile -value $bytes
} else {
write-host "No output file specified"
} else{
write-host "Error, no input file specified"
# Byte.Parse Method (String, NumberStyles)
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4eszwye3(VS.80).aspx
[string] $Binaryfile = "",
[string] $OutputFile = ""
if ($BinaryFile -ne "") {
[byte[]]$bytes = Get-Content -encoding byte -readcount 0 -path $BinaryFile # Use a readCount of 0 to read all lines at once
$output = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder # Using stringBuilder seems faster than $a = $a + "a" ?
$count = $bytes.length # The loop seems much faster when using a pre-set value?
for ($i = 0; $i -le $count-1; $i++)
$hex = "{0:x}" -f $bytes[$i]
[void]$output.Append($hex.PadLeft(2, "0")) # Pad any single digits
if ($OutputFile -ne "") {
set-content $OutputFile -value $output.ToString()
} else {
write-host "No output file specified"
} else{
write-host "Error, no input file specified"
# .net formatting decimal to hex
# http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/winpsh/convert/hex.mspx
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Information regarding Windows Infrastructure, centred mostly around commandline automation and other useful bits of information.
Clever. It would be interesting to benchmark the text to binary conversion to see how well powershell can optimize things. The "[byte[]]$bytes = $bytes + $byte" part would just do hexString.length/2 memory allocations in C#, so I wonder if PowerShell is a bit cleverer on it's optimisations.
If not, would it be possible to preallocate the array, perhaps New-Object byte[] hexString.length/2 ? I wonder if it would even matter.
Thank you for the scripts!
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