
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

VMware Command-Line Interface commands

The Windows command-line interface provided for managing ESX/ESXi systems is an invaluable tool for managing ESX infrastructure at the command-line. When using ESXi without a service console the CLI becomes even more useful.

I've gathered these commands while implementing and managing ESXi 4.0 clusters, use with caution on any production system.

ESXi 4.0 RCLI:

List the NTP servers used by the host --server esx01 --list

Add a Software iSCSI NIC named vmk2
esxcli --server=esx01 swiscsi nic add -n vmk2 -d vmhba33

List the Software iSCSI NICs
esxcli --server=esx01 swiscsi nic list -d vmhba33

List the software iSCSI status on a host --server esx01 --swiscsi --list

Enable software iSCSI on an ESX host --server esx01 --swiscsi --enable

List the adapters bound to software iSCSI
esxcli --server=esx01 swiscsi nic list -d vmhba33

List the VMKernel NICs --server esx01 --list

List the software iSCSI adapters --server esx01 --adapter --list

Set the iSCSI alias for the specified adapter --server esx01 --iscsiname --alias esx01 vmhba33

Bind a VMK software iSCSI NIC for MPIO PSA
esxcli --server=esx01 swiscsi nic add -n vmk2 -d vmhba33

Rescan a storage adapter bus --server esx01 vmhba33

Add a dynamic iSCSI discovery target --server esx01 --discovery --add --ip vmhba33

Add CHAP authentication to an iSCSI discovery target --server esx01 --authentication --level chapRequired --method CHAP --auth_username esxchap --auth_password chapacc3ss80 --ip vmhba33

Find the current ScratchConfig scratch location --server esx01 -g ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation

Set the scratch location for ESXi --server esx01 -s "/vmfs/volumes/esxds01/Scratch/esx01" ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation

Check if CIM OEM providers are enabled (such as Dell OM) --server esx01 -g UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled

Enable CIM OEM Providers (such as Dell OM) --server esx01 -s "1" UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled

Query the patches/updates/bulletins/VIBs installed on ESXi --server esx01 -q

Set the SNMP community for the ESXi host --server esx01 -c public

Enable the SNMP agent on an ESXi host --server esx01 -E

List the iSCSI node name --server esx01 --list --iscsiname --adapter vmhba36

List the preferred nativte multipathing (NMP) path for a device
 esxcli --server esx01 nmp fixed getpreferred -d naa.6090332880cfdc44fda634b1ca2457b8

Check whether round robin path selection is used for a device
esxcli --server esx01 nmp roundrobin getconfig -d naa.6090a02833cfdc7ffd4434b1ca5457b8 

List the disk NAA/UUIDs known to a host
esxcli --server esx01 nmp device list

List the MPIO path to device mapping --server esx01 -m

List the SCSI devices known to a host --server esx01 --list   

List the available datastores on a host --server esx01 --listds

List the contents of a datastore --server esx01 --dir [datastore]

Upload a local file to a datastore through vifs --server esx01 --put c:\temp\file.txt dir/file.txt?dsName=datastoreName

List virtual switches, port groups, uplinks and MTU -l --server esx01

Browse the datastores or local host through ssl
https://esx01/folder or https://esx01/host

Find the vmnic configuration, including driver, current speed --server esx01 -l 

Set a vNIC to auto-negotiate --server esx01 --vihost esx01 -a vmnic0

List the host-based files on an ESXi client --server esx01 --dir /host  

A few other useful VMware tips:

Recreate the rui.pfx file for VirtualCenter
openssl pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx

Forcefully power off a suspended VM
Delete the vmss file, and then power on the VM (state is lost)

ESXi 4.0, access unsupported ssh console through the dcui
Press Alt+F1, type unsupported, then the root password

Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2009 Wayne Martin. 

Read more!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

More useful command-lines

This is the second edition of useful command lines, adding another 132 commands that I've found useful. Note that many of the command-line calls may require Microsoft utilities (such as dsquery, wmic, dnscmd).

Most of the commands are for the windows-based command interpreter, with a few PowerShell and ESX service console commands creeping in. They range from diagnostics, troubleshooting and simply automating recurring tasks.

Each command-line can be copied and pasted at the command prompt, if you use a batch file you'll need to reference variables with double-percent (%%).

See the original post with another 425 commands

Given an IP and mask, return the subet the IP belongs to
for /f "tokens=1-8 delims=.- " %i in ('echo') do set /a Octet1="%i & %m" >nul & set /a Octet2="%j & %n" >nul & set /a Octet3="%k & %o" >nul & set /a Octet4="%l & %p" >nul & Echo %i.%j.%k.%l,!Octet1!.!Octet2!.!Octet3!.!Octet4!,%m.%n.%o.%p

Display the contents of the client DNS resolver cache
ipconfig /displaydns

Find the package source path of a program from SMS
wmic /namespace:\\root\sms\site_%sitecode% /node:"server" path SMS_Package Where "Name like '%programname%'" get Name,ShareName,PkgSourcePath

Find the session associated with a process
wmic path win32_process get name,sessionid

List the local winstation windows objects
objdir \Windows\Windowstations\Winsta0

Query the configuration container for Exchange mailbox stores
dsquery * ",CN=Configuration,DC=domainroot" -filter "(&(objectClass=msExchPrivateMDB)(objectCategory=msExchPrivateMDB))"

Query a Virtual Centre/VC 2.5 database for Virtual Machine details
sqlcmd -S server -d database -W -s "," -Q "select ENT.Name as 'Name', Lower(DNS_Name) as 'DNS Name', Guest_OS as 'OS', Mem_Size_MB as 'Mem', Num_VCPU as 'CPU', Num_NIC as 'NIC', IP_Address as 'IP', NET.MAC_Address as 'MAC Address', VM.FILE_Name as 'VMX location' from vpx_vm VM inner join VPX_NIC NET on VM.ID = NET.ENTITY_ID inner join VPX_ENTITY ENT on VM.ID = ENT.ID Order By ENT.Name"

Query a Virtual Centre/VC 2.5 database for Virtual Machine snapshots (GMT+10)
sqlcmd -S server -d database -W -s "," -Q "select ENT.Name as 'Name', Lower(DNS_Name) as 'DNS Name', Guest_OS as 'OS', Mem_Size_MB as 'Mem', IP_Address as 'IP', VM.FILE_Name as 'VMX location', VM.Suspend_Time as 'Suspend Time', VM.Suspend_Interval as 'Suspend Interval', VMS.Snapshot_Name as 'Snapshot Name', VMS.Snapshot_Desc 'Snapshot Description', DateAdd(Hour, 10, VMS.Create_Time) as 'Snapshot Time', VMS.Is_Current_Snapshot 'Current Snapshot' from vpx_vm VM inner join VPX_NIC NET on VM.ID = NET.ENTITY_ID inner join VPX_ENTITY ENT on VM.ID = ENT.ID inner join VPX_SNAPSHOT VMS on VM.ID = VMS.VM_ID"

Test the password for a domain account (assumes no existing IPC connection)
net use \\server\ipc$ /user:%domain%\%testuser% *

View the last-access, modified, created and MFT entry modified timestampes
timestomp "%fullpathtoFile%" -v

Create a scheduled task escaped with a command containing double-quotes (2003)
schtasks /create /SC Daily /TN "Task" /ST 12:00 /TR "cmd /c echo \"Test\"" /RU System

Create a scheduled task running two commands
schtasks /create /SC Daily /TN "Task" /ST 12:00 /TR "cmd /c echo Test1 & cmd /c echo Test2" /RU System

Check a number of computers to see if hibernation is enabled
for /f %i in (%controlfile%.txt) do @if exist \\%~i\c$\hiberfil.sys (echo %~i,Enabled) else (echo %~i,Disabled)

For each path in a control file, list the 8.3 short equivalent
for /f "tokens=*" %i in (test.txt) do echo %~si

Use if exist and disabled path parsing to bypass max_path
for /f "tokens=*" %i in (test.txt) do if exist "\\?\UNC\%~pnxi" echo File exists

Enumerate a cluster through WMI
wmic /node:"%node%" /namespace:\\root\mscluster path MSCluster_Cluster

Given a path exceeding MAX_PATH, return the 8.3 equivalent of the directories
for /f "tokens=*" %i in (longfiles.txt) do for /d %m in ("\\%~pi") do echo %~sm%~nxi

Given a path you know contains deeper than 260, batch to return the 8.3 subdirs
(3 lines) @for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (c:\temp\longdir1.txt) do @for /d %%m in ("\\%%~pi") do @Call :Process "%%~si" || :process || @if "%~1"=="" (goto :EOF) else (@for /d %%i in ("%~1\*.*") do @echo %%~si & Call :Process "%%~si")

Set a Domain Controller to be a Global Catalog server
dsmod server "%DC_DN%" -isgc yes

Check which network connections (drive mappings) a computer has
wmic /node:"%computer%" path win32_logicaldisk where "DriveType=4" get DeviceID,ProviderName 

Query the current site of a remote computer using nltest
nltest /dsgetsite /server:%computer%

Query the current site of a remote computer using the registry
reg query \\%computer%\hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\netlogon\parameters /v DynamicSiteName

Check the schema version on a Domain Controller (R2=31)
reg query \\%dc%\hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\NTDS\parameters /v "Schema Version"

Query the revision of 2003 Update (R2=9)
dsquery * CN=Windows2003Update,CN=ForestUpdates,CN=Configuration,%forestRoot% -attr revision

Check the schema version on a Domain Controller (R2=31)
dsquery * "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,%forestRoot%" -attr objectVersion -scope base   

Find the disk signature of a disk through diskpart
echo select disk 0 > %temp%\diskpart.txt & echo detail disk >> %temp%\diskpart.txt & diskpart /s %temp%\diskpart.txt | find /i "Disk ID:"

Search a dnscmd export for duplicate IP address references
for /f "tokens=1,5" %i in (DNSExport.txt) do @if "%j" NEQ "" @for /f "tokens=1" %m in ('"findstr /i "%j$" DNSExport.txt find /i /c "%j""') do @if %m GTR 1 @echo %i,%j,%m

Search and report duplicate IPs from a dnscmd export
for /f "tokens=1,4" %i in (DNSExport.txt) do @if "%j" NEQ "" @for /f "tokens=1" %m in ('"findstr /i "%j$" DNSExport.txt find /i /c "%j""') do @if %m GTR 1 (@echo %j,%m: & findstr /i "%j$" DNSExport.txt & echo.)

Dump the dfsr config from the active directory
dfsrdiag dumpadcfg

Remove Outlook 2003 prevention of PST usage
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook /v DisablePST /t reg_dword /d 0x0 

Set the command prompt to include the time of the last command
prompt $t $p$g

Create a zero byte file
echo file 2>zero.txt

Given a list of files, echo those that are zero bytes in size
for %i in (%source%\*) do @if %~zi == 0 @echo %i

From a dnscmd export, find duplicate IP addresses
echo. > DuplicateIPs.txt & (for /f "tokens=1,4" %i in (DNSRecords.txt) do @if "%j" NEQ "" @find /i "%j" DuplicateIPs.txt >nul & if errorlevel 1 for /f "tokens=1" %m in ('"findstr /i "%j$" DNSRecords.txt | find /i /c "%j""') do @if %m GTR 1 (@echo %j,%m: & findstr /i "%j$" DNSRecords.txt & echo.) >> DuplicateIPs.txt) & type DuplicateIPs.txt

Start xperf performance tracing using the 'Diag' group
xperf -start -on Diag -f %temp%\tracing.etl 

Open an xperf trace, exporting context switching for threads and processes
xperf -i %temp%\tracing.etl -a cswitch -thread -process

Check whether VMware VMFS partitions are block aligned to 128
/sbin/fdisk -lu

Query a Virtual Centre/VC 2.5 database for Consolidation performance stats
sqlcmd -S server -d virtualcenter -W -s "," -Q "Select Top 6 ip_address as 'IP', cpu_mhz_avg/1000 as 'CPU', mem_mb_avg/1000 as 'RAM' , disk_percent_avg/1000 as 'Disk' from vpx_csl_system_perf vPERF inner join vpx_csl_system_ip_address vIP on vPERF.System_ID = vIP.system_ID order by sample_time desc"

Identify Virtual Machines that are currently powered on
/usr/sbin/vcbVmName -h %server% -u username -s powerstate:on

Find OCS 2007 classes/attributes in AD
dsquery * "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=forestRoot" -filter "(&((cn=*rtc*)(|(objectCategory=classSchema)(objectCategory=attributeSchema))))"

Find OCS 2007 server from DNS service records
nslookup -type=srv _SipInternalTLS._tcp.{FQDN}

Find OCS 2007 Pools published in the current directory
dsquery * -filter "(objectClass=msRTCSIP-Pools)"

Find OCS 2007 SCPs from the local domain
dsquery * "CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Microsoft,CN=System,DC=domainRoot" -attr *

Export config from OCS 2007 from a remote server
lcscmd /config /action:export /level:machine /configfile:config.xml /fqdn:%server%

IIS Authentication and Access Control Diagnostics

Find the number of VMs per datastore from the VC database
sqlcmd -S server -d virtualcenter -W -s "," -Q "select, Count(VMDS.VM_ID) as 'VMs' from vpxv_vm_datastore VMDS inner join vpx_datastore DS on VMDS.DS_ID = DS.ID group by" 

Find detail on the VMs per datastore from the VC database
sqlcmd -S server -d virtualcenter -W -s "," -Q "select, VMS.Name from vpxv_vm_datastore VMDS inner join vpx_datastore DS on VMDS.DS_ID = DS.ID inner join vpxv_vms VMS on VMDS.VM_ID = VMS.VMID order by DS.Name"

Unattended install of IIS (assuming INF created with relevant [components])
Sysocmgr.exe /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:%iisComponents%.inf

Find the Exchange 2003 organization from AD
dsquery * forestroot -filter "(&(objectCategory=msExchOrganizationContainer))"

Mount a virtual floppy
vfd install & vfd start & vfd open

Send an SMTP mail using blat
blat -f smtprelay@relay.local -to -subject Test -body "Test body" -server smtprelay

Create MAPI profiles with an Exchange connection on a server without Outlook

Find mailboxes that are excluded from Recipient Update Policies
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectClass=User)(objectCategory=Person)(msExchPoliciesExcluded=*))" -attr cn msExchPoliciesExcluded | find /i "{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}"

Export a connector space from MIIS/IIFP to XML
csexport %maName% maExport.xml

IIFP permissions, write proxyAddresses to user objects, inherited to subobjects
dsacls "OU=%targetOU%,%domainRoot%" /I:S /G %DOMAIN%\%GROUP%:WP;proxyAddresses;user

IIFP permissions, create and delete contact objects, inherited to subobjects
dsacls "OU=%targetOU%,%domainRoot%" /I:S /G %DOMAIN%\%GROUP%:CCDC;contact

IIFP permissions, read/write all properties, inherited to subobjects
dsacls "OU=%targetOU%,%domainRoot%" /I:S /G %DOMAIN%\%GROUP%:RPWP;;contact

Find extended rights in the directory that apply to schema classes
dsquery * "CN=Extended-Rights,CN=Configuration,dc=forestRoot" -attr displayName CN

Trigger the SD propagator adminsdholder process in a domain
admod -rootdse "FixUpInheritance::1"

Set interrupt processor affinity for PnP drivers

Set interrupt processor affinity for processes persistent across reboots
imagecfg.exe -a 0xF calc.exe (the mask to use the first four logical processors)

Start an executable with the specified processor affinity
start /affinity f calc.exe (the mask to use the first four logical processors)

Modify a server to use only one processor
boot.ini, add /onecpu switch

Query DC/DNS servers and find unconditional non-ds forwarders
for /f %i in ('dsquery server -domain %userdnsdomain% -o rdn') do @for /f "tokens=1,3" %m in ('"dnscmd %i /info > DNS_%i.txt & tail -5 DNS_%i.txt | find /i "addr[" | find /i "addr""') do @echo %~ni,%m,%n

Create an Active Directory integrated DNS conditional forwarder (5.2.3790.0)
dnscmd /ZoneAdd %targetDomain% /DsForwarder %targetDomainNSIP%

Find DNS forwarder zones
dnscmd %server% /enumzones /forwarder

Find DNS forwarder targets
for /f %i in ('"dnscmd %server% /enumzones /forwarder | find /i "forwarder""') do dnscmd %server% /zoneinfo %i | find /i "master"

Find AdminSDHolder groups with GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED
dsquery * domainroot -filter "(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectClass=Group)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2147483648))"

Query an MIIS/IIFP database to find the management agent AD configuration
select ma_name, private_configuration_xml from mms_management_agent

Check the MIIS/IIFP GALSync.xml file to find the management agent AD config

Query an MIIS/IIFP database to find the management agent AD containers to sync
select filter_xml from mms_partition MMSP inner join mms_management_agent MMSA on MMSP.ma_id = MMSA.ma_id where ma_name = 'MA-NAME' and partition_name = 'DC=domainRoot'

Set the IP address of a machine using netsh
netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr= mask= gateway= 1

Set local DNS client primary using netsh
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=1

Set local DNS client secondary using netsh
netsh interface ip add dns name="Local Area Connection" addr= index=2

Set local WINS client primary using netsh
netsh interface ip add wins name="Local Area Connection" addr="" index=1

Set local WINS client secondary using netsh
netsh interface ip add wins name="Local Area Connection" addr="" index=2

Modify service DACLs to allow service start stop (assumes query already exists)
subinacl /service schedule /grant=builtin\users=TO

User cmdkey to add a stored credential when connecting to a remote server
cmdkey / /user:domain\user /pass:*

Find the holders of the specified NT right / privilege
showpriv SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege

Query the privileges the current user holds
whoami /priv

Delete the policy restriction to run adsiedit.msc
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MMC\{1C5DACFA-16BA-11D2-81D0-0000F87A7AA3}"

Stop and then restart the ESX software iSCSI initiator
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-swiscsi -d | /usr/sbin/esxcfg-swiscsi -e

Reset a computer account secure channel
nltest /sc_reset:%domain%[\%dc%]

Reset the password for a computer account
nltest /sc_change_pwd:%domain%

CSV directory export of one or more subcontainers of a container
for /f %i in ('"dsquery ou OU=People,DC=domainRoot -scope onelevel -o rdn"') do csvde -f UserExport-%~i.csv -l givenName,sn,displayname,mail,targetAddress,proxyAddresses,mailnickname -d "OU=%~i,OU=People,DC=domainRoot" -r "(&(objectClass=Contact)(objectCategory=Person))"

Query VMFS volume information from the service console
/usr/sbin/vmkfstools -P /vmfs/volumes/%GUID%

Change the volume label of a disk
label %drive%: %newlabel%

Find VMware CDP info from the service console
esxcfg-info | grep -C 18 '\==+CDP Summary'

Add a non expiring enabled user account to the Active Directory
dsadd user "CN=user,OU=Users,DC=test,DC=com" -pwd "password" -pwdneverExpires yes -disabled no -desc "Description"

Clear local DNS client settings using netsh
netsh interface ip delete dns name="Local Area Connection" addr=ALL

From an ESX service console, scan for updates from a depot for UpdateManager
/usr/sbin/esxupdate --HA --flushcache -d http://esx01/vci/hostupdates/hostupdate/esx/esx-3.5.0 scan

Check the VI35 Legato AAM HA agent
cat /var/log/vmware/aam/aam_config_util_addnode.log

VMware VI35 HA Legato AAM, list the cluster manager
/opt/vmware/aam/bin/ftcli -domain vmware -timeout 60 -cmd "listrules"

VMware VI35 HA Legato AAM, list the cluster nodes
/opt/vmware/aam/bin/ftcli -domain vmware -connect esx01 -port 8042 -timeout 60 -cmd "listnodes"

VMware ESX VI35 List the software iSCSI targets
/usr/sbin/vmkiscsi-tool -L -l vmhba32

Mount a local volume inside a local folder
mountvol c:\temp\mount1 \\?\Volume{f856ff87-70ae-11dc-8b8d-806d6172696f}\

Remove a mount point
mountvol C:\temp\mount1\ /d

List junctions or mount points
junction -s c:\temp

Find the boot device for an ESX installation
esxcfg-info -s | grep -A10 "Diagnostic Partition"

Find the boot device for an ESX installation
esxcfg-info -s | egrep -A4 "Parallel SCSI Interface|Block SCSI Interface"

Use vSphere RCLI to list an ESXi host filesystem --server %server% --username %username% --password %password% -D /host

Use vSphere RCLI to backup an ESXi host ( --server %server% --username %username% --password %password% -s server.tgz

ESX VI35 list the virtual machines and their disks for performance analysis
/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vscsiStats -l

ESX VI35 gather disk statistics and display the latency histogram in CSV
/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vscsiStats -s; /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vscsiStats -x; /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vscsiStats -p latency -c;

Get Windows Remote Management config on the local machine
winrm get winrm/config

Windows Remote Management quick configuration to create a listener
winrm quickconfig

Test Windows Remote Management listener on the local host
winrm id

Create a Windows Remote Management https listener on the local host
winrm quickconfig -transport:https

Create a self-signed certificate
makecert" -r -pe -n -r 30/12/2039 -eku -ss my-sr localMachine -sky Exchange -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12 c:\temp\test.cer

Query the SNTP servers a comptuer is using for time synchronisation
net time \\server /querysntp   

Set the SNTP servers used for w32time synchronistaion
net time \\server /setsntp:""

Convert time from 100 nanosecond intervals since epoch 01/01/1601
w32tm /ntte 127076450620627215

Install the w32time Windows Time service
w32tm /register

Enable NTP Server for a w32time service
reg add \\server\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer /v Enabled /t reg_dword /d 0x1 /f

Find the error description given a win32 error number
net helpmsg 2

Delete the policy value controlling whether recently run programs are recorded
reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoRecentDocsHistory

Set registry permissions (subinacl 5.2.3790.1180 or later)
subinacl /keyreg "\\server\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /grant=domain\group=F

Set service DACLs (Q : Query SC, S: status, I: interrogate, T: Start, O: Stop)
subinacl /service \\server\schedule /grant=domain\group=TOQSI

Rename a LAN interface name (ncpa.cpl)
netsh interface set int name="Local Area Connection 2" newname="Local Area Connection"

Find all network devices
devcon findall =net

Find all network adapters for the Net class
devcon listclass net

Remove an old VMware VI3 PCNET Flexible/VLance/VMXNET adapter instance (@)
devcon remove "@PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_2000&SUBSYS_20001022&REV_10\3&61AAA01&0&88"

Find where a file is in the path
for %i in (calc.exe) do echo %~$PATH:i

Find the physical disk sector size
wmic path win32_diskdrive get BytesPerSector

Find the current amount of memory used by the file system virtual cache
wmic path Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory get SystemCacheResidentBytes

Use robocopy in backup mode to take a copy of folder-level permissions
Robocopy \\server\source c:\temp\copy zxcvsadfqwer /E /B /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1

Find remote shares and paths using WMI
wmic /node:%server% path win32_share get Name,Path,Description

Find total memory, free memory and used paging file
wmic /node:%server% path Win32_OperatingSystem Get FreePhysicalMemory,FreeSpaceInPagingFiles,TotalVirtualMemorySize,TotalVisibleMemorySize

Search a remote computer's registry for a string
regfind -m \\%server% -y -b -n search_string

Set a computer to use a specified number of available processors
modify boot.ini, use the /NUMPROC=x switch or /ONECPU switch

Check the Exchange ESE buffer cache size
dsquery * "CN=InformationStore,CN=exchserver01,CN=Servers,CN=AdminGroup01,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainRoot" -attr msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax -scope base

Query the start of authority record for a DNS zone
dnscmd %server% /enumrecords %fqdn% @ /type SOA

Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2009 Wayne Martin. 

Read more!

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File System Filters and minifiltersOpsMgr 2007 SSRS Reports using SQL 2005 XMLAccess Based Enumeration in 2003 and MSCS
Find VM snapshots in ESX/VCComparing MSCS/VMware/DFS File & PrintModifying Exchange mailbox permissions
Nested 'for /f' catch-allPowerShell FindFirstFileW bypassing MAX_PATHRunning PowerSell Scripts from ASP.Net
Binary <-> Hex String files with PowershellOpsMgr 2007 Current Performance InstancesImpersonating a user without passwords
Running a process in the secure winlogon desktopShadow an XP Terminal Services sessionFind where a user is logged on from
Active Directory _msdcs DNS zonesUnlocking XP/2003 without passwords2003 Cluster-enabled scheduled tasks
Purging aged files from the filesystemFinding customised ADM templates in ADDomain local security groups for cross-forest secu...
Account Management eventlog auditingVMware cluster/Virtual Center StatisticsRunning scheduled tasks as a non-administrator
Audit Windows 2003 print server usageActive Directory DiagnosticsViewing NTFS information with nfi and diskedit
Performance Tuning for 2003 File ServersChecking ESX/VC VMs for snapshotsShowing non-persistent devices in device manager
Implementing an MSCS 2003 server clusterFinding users on a subnetWMI filter for subnet filtered Group Policy
Testing DNS records for scavengingRefreshing Computer Account AD Group MembershipTesting Network Ports from Windows
Using Recovery Console with RISPAE Boot.ini Switch for DEP or 4GB+ memoryUsing 32-bit COM objects on x64 platforms
Active Directory Organizational Unit (OU) DesignTroubleshooting computer accounts in an Active Dir...260+ character MAX_PATH limitations in filenames
Create or modify a security template for NTFS perm...Find where a user is connecting from through WMISDDL syntax in secedit security templates

About Me

I’ve worked in IT for over 20 years, and I know just about enough to realise that I don’t know very much.