I use the following script as a way of keeping my Citrix session alive to thwart security guys and their over-aggressive timeouts.
Normally I don't like to use sendkeys, but this seemed like the perfect way to trick ica into thinking keys were being pressed...
PowerShell and VBScript versions below.
# Find the wfica.exe process and poke keystrokes at it, preventing a Citrix session from timing out
# Be careful what you have open and what keystrokes you poke
[System.Object[]]$processes = get-process | where {$_.ProcessName -eq "wfica32.exe"}
if ($processes.count -ge 1) { $process = $processes[0] }
if ($process -is [System.Diagnostics.Process])
$processes | format-list -property *
for (;;)
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("'Microsoft.VisualBasic")
start-sleep -seconds 1
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("'System.Windows.Forms")
start-sleep -seconds 240
Set objWshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strProcessName = "wfica32.exe"
intProcessID = 0
Call FindProcessID(strProcessName, intProcessID)
if (intProcessID > 0) Then
wscript.echo "Found process ID: " & intProcessID
WScript.Sleep 1000
objWshShell.SendKeys "1"
WScript.Sleep 240000
End If
Function FindProcessID(ByRef strProcessName, ByRef intProcessID)
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & strProcessName & "'" ' WQL query string looking for the specified process
Set objNameSpace = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2") ' The cimv2 namespace of the local machine
FindProcessID = vbFalse
Set objProcessSet = objNameSpace.ExecQuery(strQuery) ' Execute the query
For Each objProcess in objProcessSet ' For each process in the set, ordered by oldest to newest
intProcessID = objProcess.ProcessID
WScript.Echo "Found process, ID: " & intProcessID
WScript.Echo objProcess.Name & ", " & intProcessID & ", " & objProcess.CreationDate & ", " & objProcess.CommandLine & ", " & objProcess.Priority & ", " & objProcess.WorkingSetSize & ", " & objProcess.PageFileUsage
FindProcessID = vbTrue
Set objNameSpace = Nothing : Set objProcessSet = Nothing : Set objProcess = Nothing
End Function
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