
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Finding users on a subnet

For auditing and remote access purposes, identifying the computers and users on specified subnets can be useful. This post documents several methods that I've used in the past, including querying computers through AD, DNS, DHCP, SMS, and then finding the logon information through psloggedon, WMIC, or a custom VBScript.

Step 1 - Find computers on a subnet

There are several methods of finding this information, some more accurate than others depending upon your infrastructure:

SMS - Query SMS to find computers in a specific subnet or AD site:

  • wmic /namespace:\\root\sms\site_%sitecode% /node:"%sms_server%" path SMS_R_System WHERE "IPSubnets='%subnet%' AND Active=1'" get name
  • wmic /namespace:\\root\sms\site_%sitecode% /node:"%sms_server%" path SMS_R_System WHERE "ADSiteName='%AD_SITE_CODE%' AND Active=1'" get name

DNS - Query DNS to find machines on a specific subnet
Windows DNS

  • dnscmd %dns_Server% /enumrecords %zone% @ /additional /continue find /i "%subnet%"

Non-windows DNS - Just cat/grep/find/findstr the zone files.

DHCP - Windows DHCP, use netsh:

  • psexec \\%dhcp_server% cmd /c for %i in (%Subnet1% %Subnet2% %Subnet3%) do netsh dhcp server scope %i show clients 1
  • for /f "tokens=1" %i in ('"netsh dhcp server show scope 1 find /i "%description%""') do netsh dhcp server scope %i show clients 1 find /i "255.255" find /i "%prefix%"

Query AD for computers in an OU, ping the computers and return only those that respond to a ping (and can be resolved)

  • for /f %i in ('"dsquery computer %OU_DN% -o rdn"') do for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %m in ('"ping -n 1 %i find /i "reply from""') do echo %i

Step 2 - Find who's logged on to those computers

Use psloggedon:

  • for /f %i in (computers.txt) do psloggedon \\%i

Use WMI:

  • for /f %i in (computers.txt) do wmic /node:"%computer%" PROCESS where "caption='explorer.exe'" getowner

Note that the psloggedon and WMI methods will be slow when processing computers that aren't on the network, wrap around a for /f ping command (see the OU query above).

Use the VBScript in this post:

  • cscript LoggedOn.vbs %computer1%,%computer2%,...

The VBScript is more verbose, providing information including human readable dates, and extra information such as whether a screensaver is running.

--- Script follows

Const DELIMITER = ","

If WScript.Arguments.UnNamed.Count > 0 Then
strComputerSet = WScript.Arguments.UnNamed(0)
WScript.Echo "Please supply one or more computers to process, separated by '" & DELIMITER & "'"
End If

For Each strComputer in Split(strComputerSet, DELIMITER) ' For each computer
If VerifyHostPing(strComputer) Then ' Is the computer responding to a ping?
Call FindLoggedOnUserExplorer(strComputer) ' Find the logged on users
End If

Function FindLoggedOnUserExplorer(ByRef strComputer)

Dim objWMI, strQuery, dtmCreationDate, strUser, dtmDifference, strUserInfo
Dim objProcessSet, objProcess, objProcessOwner, intCount

On Error Resume Next
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
On Error Goto 0
If NOT IsObject(objWMI) Then
wscript.echo strComputer & ", " & "Could not connect to WMI"
Exit Function
End If

strQuery = "select __relpath, CreationDate from win32_process where caption = 'explorer.exe'"
set objProcessSet = objWMI.execQuery(strQuery)

If objProcessSet.Count = 0 then
wscript.echo strComputer & ", " & "No explorer processes found"
strUserInfo = ""
For Each objProcess in objProcessSet
Set objProcessOwner = objProcess.ExecMethod_("GetOwner") ' Execute the method to find the process owner
strUser = objProcessOwner.Domain & "\" & objProcessOwner.User
dtmCreationDate = objProcess.CreationDate ' The creation date of the explorer process
dtmCreationDate = ConvertDMTFToVB(dtmCreationDate, False)

strUserInfo = strUserInfo & vbCRLF & strComputer & ", " & strUser & ", " & dtmCreationDate
If Len(strUserInfo) >= Len(vbCRLF) Then strUserInfo = Right(strUserInfo, Len(strUserInfo) - Len(vbCRLF)) ' Strip the leading CRLF

strQuery = "select __relpath, CreationDate, ExecutablePath from win32_process where ExecutablePath like '%.scr'"
On Error Resume Next
set objProcessSet = objWMI.execQuery(strQuery)
intCount = -1
intCount = objProcessSet.Count
On Error Goto 0
If NOT IsObject(objProcessSet) OR intCount = -1 Then
wscript.echo strComputer & ", " & "Could not check for screensaver"
If intCount > 0 then ' Is there a screensaver running?
For Each objProcess in objProcessSet ' Yes
dtmCreationDate = objProcess.CreationDate ' Get the creation date of the process
dtmCreationDate = ConvertDMTFToVB(dtmCreationDate, False) ' Convert to VB datetime
dtmDifference = DateDiff("h", dtmCreationDate, Now) ' Different between now and then
strUserInfo = strUserInfo & ", " & "Screensaver is running: " & objProcess.ExecutablePath & " and has been for " & dtmDifference & " hours"
strUserInfo = strUserInfo & ", " & "Screensaver is not running"
End If
End If

End If
If strUserInfo <> "" Then wscript.echo struserinfo

End Function

Function VerifyHostPing(ByRef strComputer)
Dim objWMI, strQuery, i, objPings, objStatus

Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\root\cimv2")

VerifyHostPing = False
strQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus where Address = '" & strComputer & "' AND BufferSize = 32 and Timeout = 300"

Set objPings = objWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery)

For Each objStatus in objPings
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) OR objStatus.StatusCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
wscript.echo "Warning: " & strComputer & " not contactable."
VerifyHostPing = False
wscript.echo "Successfully pinged " & strComputer
VerifyHostPing = True
End If

Set objPings = Nothing
Set objStatus = Nothing
Set objWMI = Nothing
End Function

Function ConvertDMTFToVB(dtmDate, blnTimeZone)
Dim strTemp, intTemp, strNow, strNowDate

strTemp = Left(dtmDate,4) & "/" & Mid(dtmDate,5,2) & "/" & Mid(dtmDate,7,2) & " " & Mid(dtmDate,9,2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,11,2) & ":" & Mid(dtmDate,13,2)
If Left(strTemp, 10) = "****/**/**" Then ' Ugly hack for schedule task times returned by WBEM that only contain time information
strNow = Now
strNowDate = DatePart("yyyy", strNow)
strNowDate = strNowDate & "/" & String(2 - Len(DatePart("m", strNow)),"0") & DatePart("m", strNow)
strNowDate = strNowDate & "/" & String(2 - Len(DatePart("d", strNow)),"0") & DatePart("d", strNow)
strTemp = strNowDate & " " & Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp)- 11)
End If
If IsDate(strTemp) Then
If blnTimeZone Then
strTemp = DateAdd ("h", Right(dtmDate,4)/60, strTemp) 'Add GMT offset
End If
ConvertDMTFToVB = FormatDateTime(strTemp,2) & " " & FormatDateTime(strTemp,4)
End If
End Function

Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this wayne, do you know any easy way to export the results from the command "for /f %i in (wslist.txt) do psloggedon \\%i" to a text file as such?

uraken said...

if you need to pipe these results to a txt file simple use >c:\results.txt
or to append use >>

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About Me

I’ve worked in IT for over 20 years, and I know just about enough to realise that I don’t know very much.