While using the wmic command with the /format:csv option, it occurred to me that it would be useful to reformat numbers if appropriate and have the CSV fields enclosed in quotes to allow outputting fields containing commas.
Take a copy of the %windir%\system32\wbem\csv.xsl (I've called mine csv2.xsl in this example), and modify the template match for 'VALUE' to the line below:
<xsl:template match="VALUE" xml:space="preserve">"<xsl:choose><xsl:when test="string(number(.))='NaN'"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:when><xsl:when test=". > 1000000000"><xsl:value-of select="string(format-number(.,'###,###,###'))"/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>"</xsl:template>
This will:
- Check if the value is a number
- If not, output as normal.
- If it is a number, and if the number is greater than 1000000000, reformat with commas as thousand separators.
- If if is a number, and less than 1000000000, output as normal.
Output the results with quotes surrounding the data, useful when the data may contain comma's (as in this case)
I find this useful when I'm querying remote machines for their free/total disk space, when the number comes back as a daunting 227770765312 bytes, which is much easier to interpret when reformatted as 227,770,765,312 (~227GB or ~212 depending on whether you're a 1000 or 1024 kind of person)
A query using this modified xsl transform:
wmic /node:"server-01","server-02","server-03" path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET Name,Size,FreeSpace,VolumeName /format:csv2
Note the double-quotes surrounding the node-names, which is required when a server name contains a hyphen. When specifying more than one node by commas, each node is surrounded by quotes.
You could also actually divide the number by (/1024/1024/1024) to give a GB figure, or any other number of output modifications to the original data.
Note that when redirecting the wmic command to file it will result in a Unicode file, and by default when loading a .csv in Excel it won't split the columns automatically.
To output as UTF-8, you can either:
- Modify the xsl output element to use a different encoding to the default utf-16, such as utf-8 or us-ascii
- Use the 'type' command - eg. type output.csv output8.csv will take a Unicode file and provide as ASCII output
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Wayne, can you verify the syntax of the first line of this. Seems suspect since there appears an extra quote at the end of line.
(but, I am only an xml apprentice!)
xsl:template match="VALUE" xml:space="preserve">"
\\Greg Martin
Hi Greg,
The syntax is correct, that extra quota is actually part of the output outside the XSL element - quotes wrapped around each value, eg:
Hello Wayne,
ive got a problem with csv output:
first the command
WMIC NTEVENT WHERE "EventType<3 AND LogFile !='security' and TimeGenerated > '20080826000000.000000-240'" GET Message, TimeGenerated, LogFile, SourceName, EventType /format:csv
if the message contains a "," like "anytext, is there" then the order is broken. how can i fix this?
Do you know if there is an option to set up the seperator like "§" instead of ",".
Greetings Torsten
Hi Torsten,
That’s the main reason I have added the quotes above in the updated transform – in CSV when a field contains an embedded comma, you have to surround each field with double-quotes, eg:
"test","anytext, is there" <-- only two fields, despite there being three commas
So you could either use my modified transform to double-quote fields, or modify the xsl yourself and change the delimiter (any comma's in the xsl) to whatever other character you're after.
Hi, Wayne.
Have you tried the new WMI extensions in .NET 3.5 SP1? I'm having trouble creating an instance of a custom management class. wmic gives me the following error:
wmic:root\cli>path Activity create Name="fee"
Create instance of 'Activity' class (Y/N)?y
Code = 0x80041002
Description = Not found
Facility = WMI
I'm not sure exactly what is "Not found". I know the class is defined, because I can query it and other instances that my application creates.
Thanks for the great resource.
In W7 csv.XSL file not found in the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ wbem. This file is located within a corresponding language folder (in this case C: \ Windows \ System32 \ wbem \ en-GB).
The solution is to move the file (csv.XLS) to the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ wbem
Wayne, I found this post to be very interesting. The /output and /format flags do not seem to be assisting me. I have started using WMIC to remove and install things like Java on my systems to make my admin life easier. I need to generate reports after doing so. Is there anyway, withing wmic to out put the system name a comma, then completion status so that I can write to a CSV?
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