The commands below are a subset of the complete command list found in Useful command-lines, and provide different methods to query, modify and report on aspects of NTFS, including security, MFT, ABE, alternate data streams, security templates and SDDL.
Each command-line can be copied and pasted at the command prompt, if you use a batch file you'll need to reference variables with double-percent (%%).
Disable path parsing to access a file using UNC
type "\\?\UNC\server\share\path\file.txt"
Dump file and security attributes on an NTFS filesystem
filestat %file%
Show the ACL in SDDL format using cacls (2003)
cacls c:\ /s
Add authenticated users:R to the root (not OICI) using SDDL with cacls
cacls c:\ /S:"D:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;;0x1200a9;;;AU)(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)"
Query Storage Report Management global settings (file screening and quotas)
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\SRM\Settings\SrmGlobalSettings /v Data
Show the current mounted volumes on the local system
mountvol OR mountvol c:\ /l
Create a hardlink directory entry linking one file to another
fsutil hardlink create %NewFileLink% %ExistingFile%
create symbolic dir, file links, hard links and dir junctions Vista/2008
Add a string to an alternate stream stored as a $DATA attribute
echo this content will be stored in the file sub stream > test.txt:stream1
Add the contents of a file to an alternate data strem
type file.txt > test.txt:stream1
Create a new file in an alternate stream as part of a directory
md test & echo alternate stream > test:stream1
Display the stream
more <> test:test.exe
Run the executable in the alternate stream
cmd /c start .\test:test.exe
Retrieve the binary file from an alternate data stream (port of Unix Cat)
cat test:test.exe > note.exe
Remove an NTFS alternate data stream (does not maintain timestamps)
type test.txt>test1.txt
Delete an alternate data stream
streams -d test.txt
Dump NTFS info from the MFT for a File Record Segment (unix port)
ntfsinfo -d /dev/hda1 -i 36
Find cluster disk size and free space
echo clusnode1 > clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode2 >> clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode3 >> clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode4 >> clusternodes.txt & wmic /node:@clusternodes.txt path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET SystemName,Name,Size,FreeSpace,VolumeName
Create a security template from the given directory for SDDL secedit processing
for /d %i in (%source%\*.*) do @for /f "tokens=2" %j in ('cacls.exe %i /S') do @echo Processing %~ni & echo "%i",2,%j >> Security.txt
Make test directories from a security template
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,* delims=\," %i in ('"find /i "dir1\dir2" template.inf"') do md "c:\temp\sectest\%j\%k
Reformat the target of a security template for offline testing
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,* delims=\," %i in ('"find /i "dir1\dir2" template.inf"') do @echo "c:\temp\sectest\%j\%k,%l
Remotely configure filesystem NTFS security using a secedit template
psexec \\%server% secedit /configure /db c:\windows\temp\%random%.sdb /cfg c:\windows\security\templates\%template%.inf /log c:\windows\temp\Configure.log
Disable automatic mounting of volumes added to a 2003 system
automount disable
Remove automatic mount points for volumes that no longer exist
automount scrub
Report the NTFS permissions for restore from a SDDL template
setacl -on c:\windows -ot file -actn list -rec cont_obj -lst f:sddl -bckp test.txt
List the file system filters and instances installed on the system
fltmc filters & fltmc instances
Run diskpart to list NTFS volumes remotely
psexec \\%server% cmd /c "echo list volume diskpart find /i "NTFS""
Find local disks other than C: and D: that are NTFS
wmic /node:"%server%" path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET SystemName,Name
Find local disks using powershell and output to CSV
Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2 -ComputerName %server% -Query "SELECT * from Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE FileSystem='NTFS' AND Description = 'Local Fixed Disk' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" export-csv c:\disk.csv
Read directories from a security template, checking if they exist
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1 delims=," %i in ('"find /i "OICI" \\%server%\%Template%"') do @if not exist \\%server%\%drive%$%~pi echo \\%server%\%drive%%~pi
Query the NTFS attributes of a file
nfi "C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe"
Report and save the security on one or more NTFS Filesystem objects
ICACLS %object% /save %outputfile%
Reset the inherited DACL flag on an object to not protected, inherit below
setacl -on %Directory% -ot file -actn setprot -op dacl:np
Reset inherited permissions for specified NTFS objects
setacl -on %Directory%\*.* -ot file -actn rstchldrn -rst DACL
Check user home drive permissions from hmDir (top-level)
for /f %i in (%users.txt%) do @for /f "tokens=*" %m in ('"dsquery user -name %i dsget user -hmdir find /i "%i""') do cacls "%m"
Check Access Based Enumeration is enabled on a top-level share
psexec \\%server% abecmd %share%
Check permissions are being inherited
for /f %i in (%users.txt%) do @for /f "tokens=1" %m in ('"dsquery user -name %i dsget user -hmdir find /i "%i""') do @for /d %p in (%m\*.*) do @echo cacls "%p"
Check ownership of files
for /f %i in (%users.txt%) do @for /f "tokens=1" %m in ('"dsquery user -name %i dsget user -hmdir find /i "%i""') do @dir %m /q/s
Process robocopy /l output to find files/data that would be copied
for /f "tokens=2,5 delims=_:" %i in (output.txt) do @If "!User!" NEQ "%i" (@Set User=%i&@Set Line=%i,%j) else (@Set Line=!Line!,%j & @Echo !Line!)
List ACLs in SDDL format
setacl -on %filepath% -ot file -actn list -lst f:sddl
Change the ownership of all subdirectories and files in a folder
subinacl /subdirectorie %Path%\*.* /setowner=%Domain%\%User%
Change the ownership of a folder
subinacl /file %Path% /setowner=%Domain%\%User%
Logical Disk Information
wmic /node:%server% path Win32_LogicalDisk
Physical Disk Information
wmic /node:%server% path Win32_DiskPartition
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Information regarding Windows Infrastructure, centred mostly around commandline automation and other useful bits of information.
Long and useful list of commands with one line information too along with the commands but i know that such list cannot be exhaustive isn't it so or are these all that can be done?
ntfs permissions analyzer
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