The commands below are a subset of the complete command list found in Useful command-lines, and are command-line operations for Microsoft Windows MSCS server clusters. Most commands are based around the Microsoft cluster.exe utility, with some using WMI, defrag and diruse to provide information on cluster disk resources.
Each command-line can be copied and pasted at the command prompt, if you use a batch file you'll need to reference variables with double-percent (%%).
Find cluster disk size and free space in CSV format
wmic /node:"%server%","%server%","%server%","%server%" path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET SystemName,Name,Size,FreeSpace,VolumeName /format:csv
Find cluster disk size and free space in modified CSV format with thousand sep.
wmic /node:"%server%","%server%","%server%","%server%" path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET Name,Size,FreeSpace,VolumeName /format:csv2
Report the windows MSCS cluster virtual groups
cluster /cluster:%cluster% group /prop | find /i "description" | find /i /v "pbx" | find /i /v "cluster"
Report folders being archived from Enterprise Vault EV FSA
sqlcmd -S sqlServer%\%instance% -o ArchivedFolders.txt -d %enterprisevaultdirectory% -W -s "," -Q "select FSVP.UncName, FSVP.VolumeName, FSFE.FolderPath, FSVP.UncName + '\' + FSVP.VolumeName + '\' + FSFE.FolderPath as 'Path' from dbo.FileServerFolderEntry FSFE inner join dbo.vw_FileServer_Volume_Policy FSVP on FSFE.VolumeEntryID = FSVP.VolumeEntryID"
Report folders from the one or more servers not being archived compared to FSA export
for %i in (\\%server%\share% \\%server%\share% ) do @for /f "tokens=1-4,*" %m in ('"dir %i\* /ad /tc | find "DIR" | find "-""') do @find /i "%q" ArchivedFolders.txt >nul & @If errorlevel 1 (echo %q,%i,%m %n %o) >> NotArchived.csv
Delete a cluster resource type
cluster restype "%resource_name%" /delete /type
Find cluster disk size and free space
echo clusnode1 > clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode2 >> clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode3 >> clusternodes.txt & echo clusnode4 >> clusternodes.txt & wmic /node:@clusternodes.txt path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET SystemName,Name,Size,FreeSpace,VolumeName
show the MSCS cluster multicast address properties
cluster /cluster:%Cluster% network "%PublicNetwork%" /priv
Find the MSCS cluster resources
cluster /cluster:%Cluster% res /prop find /i "sr"
Find the disks currently owned by each cluster node
for %i in (%server1% %server2%) do @wmic /node:"%i" path Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE "FileSystem='NTFS' AND Name != 'C:' AND Name != 'D:'" GET SystemName,Name find /i "%server_prefix%"
In a 2003 cluster, find each disk volume and analyse file fragmentation
for /f "tokens=2,5,6,8" %i in ('"cluster /cluster:%cluster% resource /prop find /i "disk" find /i "description" find /i "%CommonTag%""') do echo \\%i\%k %j %l>> Defrag_%i_%j.txt && psexec \\%i defrag %k -a -v >> Defrag_%i_%j.txt
From cluster defrag analysis, print out details for each cluster volume
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %i in ('"findstr /i /c:%server% /c:"Total files" /c:"Volume size" /c:"Used space" /c:"Percent free space" /c:"Total fragmented files" defrag*"') do @echo %j
Create a cluster file share:
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /create /group:"%group%" /type:"File Share"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /priv path="%path%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /priv Sharename=%share_name%
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /priv Remark="File Share Remark"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /prop Description="File Share Description"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /priv security=Everyone,grant,F:security
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /AddDep:"%networkname_res%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /AddDep:"%disk_res%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%share_res_name%" /On
Create an ABE resource for the file share
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /create /group:"%group%" /type:"Generic Application"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /priv CommandLine="cmd.exe /k abecmd.exe /enable %share_name%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /priv CurrentDirectory="%SystemRoot%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /priv InteractWithDesktop=0
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /priv UseNetworkName=0
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /prop SeparateMonitor=1
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /prop Description="Access Based Enumeration for %share_name% File Share"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /AddDep:"%networkname_res%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /AddDep:"%disk_res%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /AddDep:"%share_res_name%"
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res "%shareabe_res_name%" /On
Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT), Copyright 2008 Wayne Martin.
Information regarding Windows Infrastructure, centred mostly around commandline automation and other useful bits of information.
Any way to enumerate fileshares?
Cluster specific:
cluster /cluster:%cluster% res /prop | find /i "File Share"
or just use lanmanserver methods against the virtual nodes:
rmtshare \\%server%
wmic /node:"%server%" path win32_share
You need a pipe in your find MSCS cluster resources command
cluster /cluster:%Cluster% res /prop find /i "sr"
should be
cluster /cluster:%Cluster% res /prop | find /i "sr"
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