
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Exchange PowerShell Commands #2

Well it's 2020, and instead of flying around in a hovercar I'm *still* doing IT. Trying to get back in the swing of things – and following on from the last post seven year ago (!?), here's an additional 64 Exchange commands circa Exchange 2013/2016.

Each command can be copied and pasted into a PowerShell command line running with an Exchange PSSession, although at the time I made notes on a couple of them about running locally on the server due to cmdlet or type casting limitations.

Remove an existing Exchange 2010 move request (to allow subsequent moves)
Remove-MoveRequest -id user01

Initiate an Exchange 2010 intra-org move request
new-moverequest -id user01 -TargetDatabase db02

Output semi-colon delimited list of email addresses for a mailbox

Convert a mailbox to a standard user mailbox
get-mailbox user01 | set-mailbox -type regular -whatif

Modify permissions to allow modifying apply policy attributes of user objects
Add-ADPermission -Identity "OU=Resources,DC=domain,DC=local" -InheritanceType Descendents -InheritedObjectType user -AccessRights ReadProperty, WriteProperty -Properties msExchPoliciesIncluded, msExchPoliciesExcluded -User "domain\group1" -domaincontroller dc01

Disable an Exchange 2007 mailbox - leaving the user account in AD
Disable-Mailbox -id user01

Reapply the mandantory properties on a mailbox (changing from linked to normal)
set-mailbox -id $account -applymandatoryproperties  #Clearing AEA and master account SID resets the isLinked property of the mailbox, but RecipientTypeDetails / RecipientDisplayType is not automatically updated.  Re-applying mandatory properties corrects this issue and sets the mailbox back to being a user mailbox instead of a linked mailbox

Find Exchange 2010 DAG status
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -status | fl *

Find Exchange 2010 DAG replication status
$servers = Get-MailboxServer; foreach ($server in $servers) { Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -server $}

Find the mailbox activation preference for an Exchange 2010 mailbox database
(Get-MailboxDatabase -id MBXDB1).ActivationPreference

Report the last 1000 commands executed
Get-history -count 1000

Reseed the content index catalog for the database copy
Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy "DB\SERVER" -CatalogOnly

Get the mailbox database copy status
Get-MailboxServer | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -ExtendedErrorInfo | sort-object ContentIndexState | fl Name,ContentIndexState,ContentIndexErrorMessage

Convert a user mailbox to a linked mailbox without disabling
Set-User -id user01 -LinkedMasterAccount domainb\user01 -LinkedDomainController -LinkedCredential $domainbcred # may need get-mailbox -id user01 | set-mailbox -type regular; get-mailbox -id user01 | set-mailbox -ApplyMandatoryProperties

Find the current owner of Exchange 2010 mailbox databases
dsquery * "CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Dept,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local" -filter (objectclass=msExchMDB) -attr Name msExchOwningServer -s dc2

Mount an Exchange 2010  public folder database
Get-PublicFolderDatabase -id 'Public Folder Database 1' | mount-database

Find an Exchange 2010 Primary Active Manager for the specified DAG
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status | fl PrimaryActiveManager

Configure the Exchange 2010 postamaster address
Get-TransportConfig | fl -ExternalPostmasterAddress; Set-TransportConfig -ExternalPostmasterAddress

Enumerate outlook profiles to find connected mailboxes and calendars

Find if an Exchange 2010 mailbox is enabled for ActiveSync
get-casmailbox -id user1

Set Exchange 2010 calendar processing to anyone can book and autoaccept
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity room01 -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AllBookInPolicy $true

Get Exchange 2010 mailbox calendar configuration
Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -id room01 | fl *

Force an update of the offline address book
Update-OfflineAddressBook -id 'Default Offline Address List'

Exchange query for Global Security groups
get-group -filter "GroupType -eq $([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::SecurityEnabled.value__ + [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::Global.value__)"; #get-group -filter {GroupType -eq '-2147483646'}

Exchange query for Domain Local Security groups
get-group -filter "GroupType -eq $([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::SecurityEnabled.value__ + [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::DomainLocal.value__)"; #get-group -filter {GroupType -eq '-2147483644'}

Exchange query for Universal Security groups
get-group -filter "GroupType -eq $([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::SecurityEnabled.value__ + [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.GroupTypeFlags]::Universal.value__)"; #get-group -filter {GroupType -eq '-2147483640'}

Set Out Of Office on a mailbox
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration 'user1' -AutoReplyState enabled -ExternalAudience all -InternalMessage "Internal not Here" -ExternalMessage "External not here"

Get a role group from the root of the forest
Get-RoleGroup -id Exchange-Lvl1Support -DomainController dc1.forest.root

Get a role group and the roles and role assignments
$rg = Get-RoleGroup -id Exchange-Lvl1Support -DomainController dc1.forest.root; $rg.roles; $rg.roleassignments

Get a management scope to show the recipient root and filter
Get-ManagementScope -id MS-Exchange_Distribution-Groups | fl *

Get the management role assignments for the specified assignee
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment | where {$_.RoleAssigneeName -like '*Exchange-Lvl1Support*'} | ft -wrap -auto

Get the management role assignment to confirm the CustomRecipientWriteScope
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -id Distribution-GroupCreation | fl *

Expand the e-mail addresses of a mailbox to one per line
get-mailbox -id user1 | select -expand emailaddresses

Find Distribution List expansion
$expandDL = foreach ($server in Get-TransportServer) {Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventID EXPAND -resultsize unlimited -server $server | select "Timestamp","ServerHostname","EventId",{$_.RelatedRecipientAddress},{$_.Sender},"MessageSubject"}

Convert a mailbox from linked to resource
$ADsPath = "LDAP://CN=user1,OU=Shared Mailboxes,DC=domain,DC=local"; $user = [ADSI]$ADsPath ; $user.putex(1,"msExchMasterAccountSid",$null); $user.setinfo(); get-mailbox -id user1 | set-mailbox -ApplyMandatoryProperties; get-mailbox -id user1 | set-mailbox -type shared

Find mailboxes on a specific version of exchange (2010)
$mailboxes = get-mailbox -filter {ExchangeVersion -eq 44220983382016} -resultsize unlimited

Find the Exchange 2010 SP1+ Address Book RPC port
reg query \\cas1\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSExchangeAB\ParametersSystem /v RpcTcpPort

Find the Exchange 2010 RPC port
reg query \\cas1\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSExchangeRPC\ParametersSystem /v "TCP/IP Port"

Mail-enable an existing AD contact
Enable-MailContact -id "CN=User 01,OU=Contacts,DC=domain,DC=local" -ExternalEmailAddress

Modify the MRS mailbox replication for move requests
notepad "\\cas1\c$\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config" (MaxActiveMoves* and MaxTotalMovesPerMRS)

Find Exchange 2010 recoverable deleted items
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity "" -FolderScope RecoverableItems | ft -wrap -auto

Export mailbox to PST in EX2010 (requires Exchange Trusted Subsystem ACLs)
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox user@domaincom -FilePath \\cas1\d$\martinwa.pst

Check the move history of a mailbox
get-mailboxstatistics -id "CN=user1,DC=domain,DC=local" -includemovehist | fl Identity,MoveHistory

Check Exchange 2010 logon statistics to see who is logging on to a mailbox
get-mailbox -id user1 | get-logonstatistics | ft UserName,ServerName,LogonTime,LastAccessTime,Windows2000Account -wrap -auto

Set mailbox delivery restrictions to only allow accepting messages from (ndr)
Set-Mailbox -Identity user1 -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom @{add="user2"} -whatif

Use Exchange 2010 cmdlets to change the CN/DisplayName of a security group
get-adgroup -id oldsamid | set-adgroup -SamAccountName newsamid -whatif

Find safe and blocked senders configured through Outlook for each mailbox
$mailboxes | Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration | export-csv -path c:\temp\JunkEmailConfiguration_20140625.csv

Delete all the items from an Exchange 2010 mailbox
Search-Mailbox -id -DeleteContent -confirm:$false -force

restore specific folders from a disconnect mailbox data to a recovery mailbox
New-MailboxRestoreRequest -BatchName Recovery -Name Test.User -SourceDatabase 'MBXDB5' -SourceStoreMailbox "2e94ffc9-9dad-42b1-92ec-5767d11051e4" -excludedumpster -includeFolders "Contacts/Misc", "Contacts/MISC/SHOPPING", "Contacts/MISC/Work Related" -TargetMailbox "recovery1" -AllowLegacyDNMismatch -whatif

Find Exchange 2010 RBAC management role entries for the specified role
Get-ManagementRole  -id RecipientCreationUserMailboxes | select -expand roleentries;  $entries = (Get-ManagementRole  -id RecipientCreationMailUser).RoleEntries; $entries | %{$_.split()[1]}

Find Exchange 2010 RBAC management scope OU and filter for the specified scope
Get-ManagementScope -id Managed-Users_UserMailboxes  | fl Identity,RecipientFilter,RecipientRoot

Search Exchange 2010 Admin Audit log for changes made by Exchange
Search-AdminAuditLog | ft -wrap -auto

export Exchange 2010 Admin Audit Log for new-mailbox requests and callers
$newUsers = Search-AdminAuditLog -cmdlets New-Mailbox,New-MailUser; $newUsers | select RunDate,ObjectModified,CmdletName,Caller,OriginatingServer | export-csv -path c:\temp\ExchangeUsers_20141020.csv -encoding ascii

Get Exchange mail queues on the specified server
get-queue -Server mail02

Get Exchange mail queue information
get-queue -Identity MAIL02\281950 | fl DeliveryType,NextHopDomain,Status,MessageCount,LastError

Find disconnected mailboxes (run on console of exchange server, not session)
get-mailboxdatabase | Get-MailboxStatistics | where {$_.displayName -eq 'User 01' -and $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null}

Report AD permissions through Exchange cmdlets
Get-ADPermission -id "OU=Distribution Lists,OU=Resources,DC=domain,DC=local" |ft Identity,User,InheritedObjectType,ExtendedRights,Properties,ChildObjectTypes,AccessRights -wrap -auto

Add an address to an exchange 2010 object
Set-MailUser -id "user1" -EmailAddresses (((Get-MailUser -id "user1").EmailAddresses)+="") -whatif

Remove an address from an exchange 2010 object
$recipient = "user1"; $remove = ""; Set-MailUser -id $recipient -EmailAddresses ((Get-MailUser -id $recipient).EmailAddresses | where {$_ -ne $remove}) -whatif

Remove an address from an exchange 2010 object with AD cmdlets
$recipient = "user1"; $remove = ""; Set-ADUser -id $recipient -replace @{proxyAddresses=([system.object[]](Get-ADUser -id $recipient -prop proxyAddresses | Update-List -Property proxyAddresses -Remove $remove).proxyaddresses)} -whatif

Find Outlook Auto Mapping attributes for links/backlinks
get-adobject -LDAPFilter "(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person)(|(msexchdelegatelistbl=*)(msexchdelegatelistlink=*)))" -prop displayname,msexchdelegatelistbl,msexchdelegatelistlink | select displayname,msexchdelegatelistbl,msexchdelegatelistlink | ft -wrap -auto

Exchange cmdlet to query the UPN suffix list

Find people that have upgrated to iOS 7.0 on EAS connected devices
get-adobject -ldapfilter "(&(objectClass=msExchActiveSyncDevice)(objectCategory=msExchActiveSyncDevice)(msExchDeviceOS=ios*7.0*))" -prop msExchDeviceOS,canonicalName -server dc1

Apply a throttling policy association to a standard user or MEU
Set-ThrottlingPolicyAssociation -Identity svc_mw -ThrottlingPolicy Office365MigrationWiz

Wayne's World of IT (WWoIT). 

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About Me

I’ve worked in IT for over 20 years, and I know just about enough to realise that I don’t know very much.